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Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago works hand-in-hand with the Mission Ministry to answer God’s call to reach and touch the lives of people who may not know that God loves them and His has a plan for them. 

Brotherhood Ministry

 The Men's Ministry at Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago is to provide men with the resources to develop Godly character and help equip them to influence their world for Jesus Christ

Children Ministry

The Children’s  Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago has come up with some innovative ways not only to stay in touch but also to love, encourage, reach, and teach our kids. Ages 5-13

Prayer Ministry

The Prayer Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago is to uphold the congregation, its ministries, and community in prayer.

Singles Ministry

The Single’s Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago’s goal is to support the growing number of single and to ensure them that they aren’t alone in their walk of Faith.    

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago’s task is demonstrate the Love of God and ensure that our members and guest have a memorable worship experience. 

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago is to enhance the worship service blending talents, gifts, and discipline in order to worship God more effectively. Our music ministry presents a variety of music to include: Traditional Gospel, Hymns, Contemporary Gospel, and Praise and Worship.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago goal is to  raise up a new generation of Christ-centered youth disciples, by Reaching, Discipling and Empowering students to rely on God. Ages14-18

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago is to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs not only the Women of Pilgrim but throughout our community. 

Marriage Ministry

The Marriage Ministry of Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago’s mission is to help married couple cultivate healthy and thriving marriages.

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